Our lead generation service can boost your sales results like never before. It will help you generate qualified leads that will ultimately lead to sales. Veraz Technology, one of the best digital marketing agencies in Bhubaneswar, will help you get people interested in your business and products and gradually move them through a pipeline to convert them into paying customers.
Statistics shows that companies with mature lead generation processes generate 133% more revenue than average.
A lead magnet is a freebie that compels the audience to provide their contact details in the return of some freebies. We create lead magnates seeing which the audience can’t refuse to provide their details.
While most of business’ ads suck, we always write killer ad copies that brings in huge results. Our ads result in rise of the Click Through Rate (CTR) above average. It also lowers the Cost Per Click (CPC).
Before we frame our own lead generation strategies, we deeply research about the lead generation strategies of your competitors who are doing well in the market and then we frame strategies accordingly.
The landing page is a page that someone lands on after clicking on your ads. With killer copywriting and compelling Call To Action, we make the visitors stay on the page and take the action as you want them to.
As most visitors to your page will not give their details to become your lead, we continue re-targeting them through our re-marketing strategies. We nurture them so that they become your lead in the coming days.
We score the leads and decide their quality which helps us determine which marketing channels & programme generate high quality leads so that we can spend each penny wisely.
It will help you target the right customers by collecting the information about their needs and preferences. It will also help you customize your products and services according to their needs and interests. You will be able to filter out which ones are good prospects and which ones are not so that you can save a lot of your time, money and energy because you will not be running behind unprofitable leads.
Through lead generation you educate your target market about your products and services and their features & benefits. The more you make people hear about your brand the stronger your market positioning and reputation will be which will ultimately lead to sales acceleration. It helps you build trust and credibility in the mind of your target audience by showing them that you are the one who is an expert in that niche/ field.
Right lead generation strategy can help you reduce the cost per lead and spend those money to target only relevant audience. Generating leads through right digital marketing agency can be very cost-effective because they will target the right audience as per their interests and choices which will give you quality leads and quality leads always result in better conversion than the irrelevant lads.
Due to poor strategy a lot of the leads that businesses generate never convert to the next stage of the sales funnel. A right lead generation strategy helps you nurture the lead until they are ready to move on to the next step in the sales funnel. Nurturing them through calls, messages, emails, etc helps you build trust with your prospect or lead which increases the chances of conversion rates.
Lead generation helps you capture the attention of the most qualified and verified leads. It makes easier for your sales team to convert them. As in a great lead generation process you are focusing on the interest and pain points of your audience, your revenue growth potential increases like crazy. If the strategies are implemented in a right way, the lead generation can maximize your brand’s ability for reaching target prospects.
When you get hot verified business leads coming to you, you will not continue approaching the outbound methods like cold-calling, e-mailing, etc. It will decrease the unnecessary time spending of your sales people on cold-calling, e0mailing, etc so that they can can spend time on the quality leads because those are the leads that will bring more conversion as they are the verified ones.